Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My new blog

Well, here it is. My first post on my new blog. Welcome! Since I do not yet know which direction I will take this blog I will keep it short & sweet. I will be posting pictures of random items of importance to me. Tomatoes are ripening on the vine, photos of the garden to follow soon. It's looking great with the exception of the lemon cucumbers which seem destined to disappoint. Mom's dog, Scruffy was bitterly disappointed to discover that the garden fence had been repaired and she could no longer get inside to steal a tomato here and there. Spud, the resident doxie & all around king of the hill is also disappointed, he is above stealing but did enjoy using the garden walkways as his own personal racetrack. More to come soon.....


  1. I love your bright colors for the background! Well done! Spud would steal tomatoes, he is just too short to get them off the vine. Scruffy only picked them for him! She loves to make him smile!

  2. Hey Sue, I am checking for new posts! Love ya, Mom!

  3. I love the seasonal food chart! Looks like your garden!
    Mama Pat
