Saturday, August 21, 2010

A monumental weekend

Well, this is a monumental weekend.  Grand-daughter Samantha is officially off to college in Monterey.  Poppy Mike accompanied her & our daughter and son-in-law to Monterey to help get her moved into the dorms.  Mike says it was very easy to tell which family had boys & which had girls.  The boys showed up with a couple of bags or small suitcases and the girls all showed up in Beacon Moving Vans with dozens of strong helpers to fetch & carry!  So, after 2 days of arranging, re-arranging & technical difficulties the room is done.  I haven't seen it yet but I know it is cute.  I'll post pictures as soon as I can.  What an exciting time this is for the kids & scary too.  Scary to be on your own & fully responsible for self & scary to think they are on thier own & fully self responsible.  Good Luck Sam!!! We love you.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure you will be needing the Ben Gay, since your grandbaby is now in college! She is my great grandbaby, so may need something stronger, myself! ha ha

    Sami will do great, and make lots of new friends soon. She will be a social butterfly!

    Mama Pat
